Articles & Links

CAP Environmental Stewardship & Climate Change Producer Program

Efficient Grain Dryer Program – Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Efficient Grain Dryer Program covers specific energy efficient components of grain dryers, not the dryer as a whole.  For more on this program regarding, EGDP Application Form,  EGDP Funding List – Feb 7, 2020,  EGDP Terms and Conditions – Feb 7, 2020 and more, please see the CAP website at

Farm Energy & Agri-Processing

Solar PV Program



Clubroot in the Peace Region

If you require further information, please call Nasar Iqbal, Manager of Ag Services at 780-338-3845.


Growing Forward 2 On-Farm Energy Management Program – Funding List

Growing Flax and Hemp in the Peace Region

Nasar Iqbal, Manager of Ag Services for the M.D., attended a workshop on growing flax and hemp. If you would like further information, please call him at 780-338-3845.

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry On-Farm Energy Management Program On-Farm Solar Photovoltaics

This program shares the cost of investments that improve energy efficiency on Alberta farms. This enables producers to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions, ultimately reducing the environmental footprint of Alberta’s agriculture industry. The Growing Forward 2 On-Farm Energy Management Program addresses three important industry priorities.

  1. Increased industry competitiveness. When producers make investments that improve energy usage on their farms, the result is a more competitive, adaptable, and sustainable provincial    agriculture industry.
  2. Improved environmental stewardship. When producers use energy more efficiently, they are recognized as reliable stewards of Alberta’s resources.
  3. Improved energy management. Producers who install on-farm submeters are better aware of their energy usage and how to manage it to improve their bottom line. What kinds of projects are eligible? Eligible projects include (but are not limited to): – Construction projects that install high-efficiency equipment from the program’s Funding List – Retrofit projects that improve the operation’s energy usage per unit of production – Installation of submeters to monitor on-farm electricity and/or natural gas usage – More sector-specific examples can be found at

How are costs shared? For most items the program covers 35% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $50,000. Some items are funded on a square-footage or formula basis. The program also covers 100% of the cost for each applicant’s first three submeters. Not eligible are residences and buildings used primarily for non-farm activities.

Who can participate? Producers in Alberta with a minimum of $10,000 farm commodity or livestock production income.

How do I start? Submit an application to the On-Farm Energy Management Program complete with quotes for any equipment you are looking to purchase. Please contact the Program Office at 780-427-3819. For more information Phone: 780-427-3819 Email:                       Web: