Weed Control

Commonly Found Noxious Weeds in the M.D. of Peace

Click on the links below to access information about these noxious weeds that can be found in the M.D. of Peace:





Rural Acreage Owner Herbicide Weed Control Program

The MD of Peace No. 135 Agricultural Service Board Rural Acreage Owner Weed Control Program was developed to assist acreage owners with the challenging task of performing weed control on a maximum area of two (2) acres/year. Herbicide applications will be conducted as time permits, with the knowledge that priority is always given to the municipal road right of way program.  The herbicide application cost will be $200/hour.

Fenceline Spray Program

The MD is actively managing noxious weeds along private fence lines as part of its ongoing efforts. Additionally, the existing program for controlling noxious weeds in the ditches next to MD roads will continue. Weed control along fence lines adjacent to Municipal roads will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis at no cost. Landowners must sign a release to allow the application of ClearView+Overdrive and Navius for the control of Canada Thistle, Yellow Toadflax, Sow Thistle, or Scentless Chamomile (Mayweed).

TO REGISTER for the Fall Fence Line Spray Program, you must sign a Release form by  Aug. 31 of each year. 

Fall Fenceline Spray Program – form

For more information, please phone Nasar at 780-338-3845 or 780-219-4534.