Grants & Donations

The Council for the Municipal District  of Peace No. 135 adopted a Grants, Donations & Funding Policy on October 12, 2010.  This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for dealing with requests from groups and organizations for funding. The policy is intended to ensure that all requests for funding are treated fairly and equally through the implementation of a standardized and transparent application, evaluation and approval process. 

Requests for funding must be submitted via an application form, and decisions will be made on a quarterly basis as to whether funding will be provided, subject to the availability of budgeted funds.   The policy also requires any group or organization which receives public funding for an event to submit a report after the event to account for the expenditure of those public funds.

Please apply prior to the dates listed below for each quarter: 
1st Quarter: November 30 
2nd Quarter: Feb 28   
3rd Quarter: May 31   
4th Quarter: Aug 31  

The policy in its entirety can be viewed below and application forms are available by clicking on the file at the bottom of this screen for printing/download, or they can be requested at the MD Office located in Berwyn. Any questions regarding the policy or application process should be directed to Margaret McClarty at 780-338-3845.


Municipal District of Peace No.135

Title:  Grants, Donations and Funding Policy
Date:  October 12, 2010

Purpose of this Policy:

To establish guidelines and procedures for dealing with requests for funding from groups, individuals, organizations, and other community entities.

Policy Statement:

Council recognizes that the ability to attract and retain quality events and activities within the Municipal District and immediately neighboring urban municipalities is a key mechanism in promoting tourism and economic and community development. These events and activities have a positive impact on the quality of life of the community as a whole. Council wishes to ensure that budgeted funds are allocated to events and activities that will enhance the MD’s reputation not only as a tourist destination, but also as an attractive place to reside and to conduct business. At the same time, Council recognizes its duty and responsibility to the ratepayers of the Municipal District to ensure its funds are used in the most productive and meaningful manner. Accordingly, Council adopts the following policies:

1. General Policy Guidelines

  1. The MD of Peace No. 135 does not provide support for business events and conferences and any other events and/or activities that are solely commercial in nature.
  2. Council reserves the right to request specific information regarding any group, individual, or organization making application. This information will generally be requested as part of the application process, and may involve a request for information on an entity’s status, organizational structure, officers, constitution, or any other information deemed necessary to evaluate a request for funding.
  3. Requests for funding must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    1. General Exposure and Profile – The event or activity enhances the MD’s profile and/or status, and/or increases overall awareness of the MD as a community, particularly when the event or activity will provide media exposure for the MD.
    2. Economic Benefit – The event or activity attracts tourists and visitors to the MD thereby providing economic benefit to local businesses.
    3. Promote Civic Pride and Sense of Place – The event or activity will enhance entertainment, recreational and cultural opportunities for MD residents and will help create a more varied, vibrant and interesting local flavor.
  4. The MD of Peace No. 135 does not sponsor more than 50% of the total cost of any event or activity.
  5. Any support extended will be considered sponsorship, and as such, the MD of Peace No. 135 will receive the recognition and benefit extended to any sponsor.
  6. Approval of applications is subject to the budgeted funds available in any given year, and therefore the application process is competitive.
  7. Council recognizes that some events are strongly identified with the MD; therefore, these events may require on-going funding due to the exposure and tourism opportunities they provide. Council may opt to commit to funding for more than a one-year period; however, the annual application process may still be required in addition to any other financial information regarding the event or activity that Council deems necessary in order to determine the extent of its ongoing commitment. Ongoing support is not guaranteed.
  8. Council may give consideration to requests for capital project funding.
  9. This section is not exhaustive, but provides the general rules for funding, and the MD of Peace No. 135 and its Council reserves the right to accept or refuse any application for any reason.

2.  Application Process

  1. Requests for funding will be approved on a quarterly basis. Applications must be received at least one month prior to the beginning of the quarter to be considered for that funding round. The application process will be publicly advertised in advance of the closing dates for applications.
  2. Applications will be made by way of the Request for Funding Application, attached as Schedule A, and forming part of this policy. The CAO may make amendments or changes to the Request for Funding Application form as deemed necessary.
  3. Each application will be evaluated by administration, with a report forwarded to Council for its decision as to whether funding will be approved or denied.
  4. If a decision needs to be made outside of the recognized funding rounds, a recommendation for funding may be made to Council at that time, subject to available funds.
  5. Applicants may be required to attend a Council meeting to respond to any questions regarding their application.
  6. In determining the amount of funding, Council will consider:
    1. Fundraising efforts made by the applicant.
    2. Total budgeted cost of the event or activity.
    3. The applicant’s contribution to the event by way of volunteer activities, in-kind contributions and financial contributions.
    4. The benefit to the community overall, and the significance of the event or activity, and
    5. The marketing value and opportunity offered the MD in exchange for its support.
  7. A follow-up report, including an accounting of revenues and expenditures, shall be submitted to the MD within 60 days of the event or activity.

Any and all previous policies regarding grants, donations and funding to groups, individuals and organizations and other community entities are hereby rescinded.
