Subdivision and Development Appeal

Decisions of the Development Authority and Subdivision Authority may be appealed to the Peace Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (PRSCAB), excluding subdivision appeals that are heard by the Municipal Government Board (MGB) pursuant to section 687(2) of the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The Subdivision Authority’s decision letter will state whether an appeal lies with the PRSDAB or the MGB.

The PRSDAB is an independent, intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board established Bylaw No. 5/ 2019 Peace Regional Intermunicipal SDAB. More information about the PRSDAB, including the process for filing an appeal, are available here:

Appeal Forms

The MGB only hears subdivision appeals where the land that is the subject of the appeal is:

  • within Alberta’s Green Area;
  • ‘adjacent’ to or contains a Body of Water; (‘Adjacent’ means contiguous or would be contiguous if not for a railway, road, utility right of way or reserve land).
  • adjacent to or contains (either partially or wholly) land identified on the Listing of Historic Resources or public land set aside for use as historic resources.
  • within the following distances:
    • 1600 metres of a Provincial Highway;
    • 450 metres of a Hazardous Waste Management Facility;
    • 450 metres of the working area of an operating Landfill;
    • 300 metres of the disposal area of any Landfill;
    • 300 metres of a Waste water Treatment Plant; or
    • 300 metres of the working area of a Non-Hazardous Waste Storage Site.

The Peace Regional Development Appeal Board and the Municipal Government Board are impartial, quasi-judicial bodies that make independent decisions on appeal cases before them, strictly based on the evidence presented to them at a hearing, and in accordance with the MGA, other provincial legislation and municipal appeal bylaw. The process for appealing a decision of the Development or Subdivision Authority, including the timelines for filing an appeal, are outlined in the guidelines for development permit and subdivision applications, respectively. The appeal form for development (development permit decisions and stop orders) can be downloaded below. The subdivision appeal information is included in the Subdivision Authority’s decision letter.

Development Appeal Form

Please contact the Municipal District of Peace No. 135 CAO/Development Officer at 780-338-3845 if you have any questions about the appeal process.