Ditch Mowing and Brushing Program

Date: Feb. 8, 2016 – updated April 20, 2020

Brushing within the road allowance of the MD is being done in order to implement the full ditch mowing program and to allow the roads to be properly maintained. The MD should be respectful of the wishes of the adjacent landowners and local residents. Following these brushing Guidelines will be helpful in achieving these goals.

Full Ditch Mowing Program

MD of Peace No. 135 Fall Fenceline Spray Program

The MD of Peace No. 135 Agricultural Service Board has approved the Fall Fenceline Spray Program to control Noxious Weeds along private fencelines. The MD will also continue with the existing program to control noxious weeds in the ditches adjacent to MD roads. Weed control work performed on fencelines adjacent to Municipal roads will be done on a first come first served basis at no charge.

Adjacent landowners must sign a release to have ClearView+Overdrive, Truvist or Lontreal sprayed along their fencelines for the control of Canada Thistle, Yellow Toadflax, Sow Thistle or Scentless Chamomile (Mayweed).

TO REGISTER for the Fall Spray Program, we require a Release form to be signed. Either come into the Municipal Office to complete or print it off our website and mail, fax or email the completed form into the MD office by August 31, . For more information, please phone Nasar at 780-338-3845 or 780-219-4534. Please click on the attachment below to print off a copy of the release form.

Fence line Spray Agreement